Lightspeed VT Interactive
Training Demo
VITS Business Solutions in an Authorized Re-Seller of the amazing, interactive LightSpeed VT - Learning Management System
VITS SB Solution
A VITS SB Solution is for companies up to 20 employees that need world class content for immediate deployment of training. This system is not a white label system. Your employees will be training on the VITS system and have access to world class training content. There is no tracking measuring or monitoring of the training of your staff, but you still get access to Business Essentials, over 30 hours of world class content . Training in Sales, Customer Service, Employee Development, Human Resources & Compliance All Included. If you prefer a white labeled system, your own content, or the ability to track, measure and monitor the training, consider moving into our Enterprise System >. This VITS SB Solution is an exclusive offer that allows you to gain access to the LightSpeed VT System, Business Essentials and take advantage of the benefits this training provides your employees. No initial investment, No contracts or need for content. All for ONLY $10/month per user.
Enterprise System
Best for a content expert or a company that wants to use their own content, or companies larger than 50 employees that want more flexibility. If content is needed, select BUSINESS ESSENTIALS a one time purchase at checkout. There is one license, two options. Either a $2 per user/login for use (i.e. employer training or associations), or 20% revenue sharing for content experts that are selling their content to end users. The LSVT ENTERPRISE SYSTEM has a $200/month minimum and covers up to 100 individual user/logins for simple company use/training. All users of your system will have access to purchase additional training in the SKILLS SHOP from award winning systems like Tony Robbins, Grant Cardone, Daymond John, UFC, PGA and many more. Additional Professional Production Services in the LightSpeed VT Production Studios can be purchased from us, after you complete your registration and Spin-Up your LSVT System. The two options for use are, Monetize your expertise (for content experts looking to create their content and monetize it) or Train your staff (for companies looking to train their people better).
Business Essentials
Add hours of world class training content to your LightSpeed VT System in an instant with BUSINESS ESSENTIALS. This world class training content addresses Sales, Customer Service, Employee Development, Human Resources & Compliance (see complete list below). That’s 7 expert trainers and 26 on-demand topics. Just click and add this one time purchase BUSINESS ESSENTIALS at checkout.

Virtual Interactive Training Solutions referred to herein as VITS, is an authorized re-seller of the LightSpeed VT system. An independent contractor offering the LightSpeed VT cloud based online training platform. We offer no other virtual interactive training system, as no other Learning Management System LMS compares in interactivity, engagement, or versatility. There is no price difference to purchase the advertised ENTERPRISE SYSTEM we offer either from us, or direct from LightSpeed VT. When purchasing the ENTERPRISE SYSTEM, you are purchasing it directly from LightSpeed VT via a referrer link which alerts LightSpeed VT where the sale came from. Other programs and services VITS offers may not be offered direct from LightSpeed VT. We go to great lengths to insure the information and services we provide are done so with high integrity and ethics in offering this amazing Learning Management System. VITS retains the right to alter or change the information and promotions without notice. This includes the LightSpeed VT online cloud based platform it’s features or any other services provided. End user will hold LightSpeed VT and it’s employees harmless for any and all statements, claims or information on this site. Any and all LightSpeed VT interactive training support issues relating specifically to the training system should be directed exclusively to the LightSpeed VT award winning Dedicated Support Team. Your continued use of this website constitutes your agreement to these terms and conditions. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to service your virtual interactive training and digital marketing needs.
LightSpeed VT Testimonials

We Make it Easy to Connect With Users On Every Platform
This versatile system auto adapts to all types of devices. Convenient app VT2GO is available for training on the go.
VITS offers a broad range of Digital Services to help you grow and scale!
Interactive Training
LightSpeed VT, The most advanced interactive training system on the planet.
Merchant Processing
We have the most aggressive merchant brokerage ever. We can guarantee a drop in your merchant expenses by 50%
Review Management
Social Media Management
Posting, Live Videos, Ads, Targeting, Product Integration and more.
Web Development
We design & build dynamic websites and even offer hosting services
Our extensive knowledge of SEO targeting of specific keywords will get your website seen quickly.
Display Ads
Ad services on all platforms and devices that translate to engagement.
Brand Design & Strategy
Let us help your brand hit the main stream.
Product Integration
Get your products integrated into Google Shopping, Amazon & Facebook
Email Marketing
We can produce and deploy effective email marketing campaigns that convert.
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